Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Boy

Total Concentration when the Paci goes in


  1. I love, love, love that first picture! You take great photos.

  2. What great photos! He is darling....I love him. I need a pic of his first smile.

  3. Oh Amanda -- what a handsome one he is -- can't wait to meet him -- keep the pictures coming! Hope you are managing okay with 3 sooo young! Lilly really is the big sister now! xoxo

  4. i absolutely love these pictures. he is so stinkin handsome!

    p.s i like the playlist.

  5. The frowny face is awesome. Great shots!

  6. Talent and treasure! Wow, I miss him and all of you. Keep the visuals coming so we don't miss too much. Love you all.

  7. Congratulations! This is Sarah Redd. Okay, so I totally want to keep in touch with you! Found you through Joanna's blog.....will you e-mail me @ sarahsredd@gmail.com so I can send you an invite to my blog and maybe you will invite me to yours too :) Hope you're surviving 3.......it gets better :) !

  8. Mands these look sooo AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! you really do have an eye for it. I love them one of this feet! Love him
